
Create and Discover Learning Center Inc.

176 Main St
Phone: (603) 894-5250
Business Hours: 6:30am-6:00pmEmail: createandiscover@gmail.comWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Here at Create & Discover, our guiding principle is to deal fairly and professionally with our parents, children and employees. As a parent you are a very important part of our organization. Your satisfaction with our work and dedication is the foundation for the continued growth and success of your children.

We are here to make a positive impact on the growing abilities and talents of our students. We believe in providing the best program possible for our children and their parents and we continually strive to achieve and maintain standards of quality. 

We believe that Early Childhood is the most critical period of human growth and development, for it is the period when the foundation for learning is laid. During these early years, learning experiences for children must be diverse, creative and carefully planned based on sound principles of child development. We believe that each child is special and unique. Although children may be at the same age chronologically, they may be at different stages developmentally. We at Create & Discover Learning Center recognize this individually and direct our attention to fostering the growth of each child's interests. We work to develop wholesome, happy, secure, motivated learners. We provide an environment and activities that will encourage involvement and challenge each child. Our programs are designed to enhance social development, creativity and independence. This is accomplished through carefully planned activities, appropriate materials and equipment and theme based learning centers.