
Elijah's Table

1 1/2 Hood Road
Phone: (603) 432-0004Website: Visit Website

Twice a month, “Elijah's Table,” a joint project of Etz Hayim Synagogue and the Church of the Transfiguration, provides free, family-friendly dinners to the community.  

The synagogue hosts its Elijah’s Table on the third Sunday of every month; the Church of the Transfiguration hosts its dinner on the second Sunday of every month. The program is a great way to help the community and is always great fun for the volunteers and our guests.

For more information about Elijah’s Table and to see pictures of our satisfied guests and volunteers, please go to our blog by clicking on the link below.

Elijah's Table Blog

A successful dinner depends on many volunteers, as follows:

♦ 3:30-5:00 p.m.:  approximately 6 set-up volunteers are needed to ready the room for dinner (for example, to set up the tables in the sanctuary);

♦ 5:00-6:30 p.m.:  approximately 8 servers are needed to serve the main course and dessert;

♦ 6:00-7:00 p.m.:  approximately 6 clean-up volunteers are needed to wash trays, vacuum, put away the tables, and reconfigure the sanctuary.

♦While our main course is supplied by a caterer, we also generally need donations of vegetables, fruit, and dessert.  We post the items that we need on Sign-Up Genius approximately a week before the event.  Donations of food should arrive by 4:00 p.m.