
Feature Your Business in 2024 with Macaroni KID Derry for FREE!

Reach more moms and families this year! We can help your local business grow!

By Karyn Martin, Publisher, Macaroni KID Derry June 27, 2024

Are you a small business? Looking to crush 2024 business goals? If so, Macaroni KID Derry can help you expand your audience! As a free, online family-friendly newsletter that reaches over 2,700 parents in the Greater Derry Area, we are committed to spreading information on local events and businesses in our community! The best part, we will help you for FREE!

Have an event you want to feature?

Use our FREE event submission to get your event on our calendar!

Want to be included in our business directory?

Join our business directory with a FREE Basic Business Listing by submitting this form!

Looking for even more exposure?

Explore our full media kit here!



Love this article? Want more like it and to get the latest on local Greater Derry area events? Subscribe HERE to receive our free, weekly Macaroni KID Derry newsletter in your inbox every Friday morning. Our goal is to bring you all of the best family-friendly events, activities, and businesses in our area. We proudly serve the towns of Derry, Londonderry, Hampstead, East Hampstead, Windham, Salem, Chester, Candia, Atkinson, Auburn, Sandown, Pelham and Plaistow! Contact us anytime ( with your ideas, event listings, and suggestions. Have a small business and want to reach thousands of local families? Advertise with us!